
Thursday, April 8, 2010

What is Abundance to You?

What is abundance to you?  We speak and hear of it often in these days of enlightenment and spiritual questing. The Webster dictionary defines it as “a fullness or plenteousness great to overflowing; ample sufficiency. Unfortunately, the word abundance, is most often associated with monetary measurement as in how much money is in your bank account or how many toys you accumulate.  Socially, it is judged by how well you are regarded in “certain” circles, or how many groups and committees you are involved with. I choose to believe there is so much more to it.

Abundance holds as many different definitions as there are individuals. Of course as individuals we all have our own perceptions and so I can only speak for myself. Only my heart and soul know what abundance is to me and it is most evident when I'm in nature, amongst friends and sharing with loved ones.  This is my reality and I lovingly choose to share it with you.

• A rainbow arcing across the sky after a thunderstorm.

• An eagle soaring on high, free and unrestrained.

• The sun sparkling on the water transforming it into a sea of diamonds.

• Fog hovering over a lake in the early morning.

• Holding a tiny bird as it feeds from my hand.

• The contented purr of my cat as I stroke her head.

• The magical call of a loon echoing across the lake at sunset.

• Wishing on a shooting star as it streaks across the night sky.

• Being moved to tears by a beautiful piece of music.

• The howl of a wolf in the distance.

• The feel of my hair being blown by the wind.

• A full moon lighting the way on a winter’s night.

• A walk on a quiet beach with the one I love.

• The warm embrace that awaits me at the end of a long day.

• Appreciating the time spent with friends.

• Breathing in the scents of the seashore.

• Marveling at raindrops clinging to flowers after a summer shower.

• Paddling my kayak on a crystal clear lake.

• Being filled with awe by a star filled sky.

• Following my bliss.

Sunset on Manitoulin Island

In this hectic world people sometimes forget the abundance in their lives.  Take time everyday and enjoy the simple pleasures of just being alive on this beautiful planet.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

A Blessing

These words are shared in an offering of love to my dear friend
Misha Thomas (see link above).  I hope the words below resonate
with each of you as muchas they do with me.

May you awaken to the mystery of being here and enter the quiet immensity of your own presence.

May you have joy and peace in the temple of your senses.
May you receive great encouragement when new frontiers

May you respond to the call of your gift and find the courage to follow its path.

May the flame of anger free you from falsity.

May warmth of heart keep your presence aflame and may
anxiety never linger about you.

May your outer dignity mirror an inner dignity of soul.
May you take time to celebrate the quiet miracles that
seek no attention.

May you be consoled in the secret symmetry of your soul.

May you experience each day as a sacred gift woven
around the heart of wonder.

These words are written by Irish author John O'Donohue
in his book Eternal Echoes.

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Hourglass of Life

There comes a time when one realizes that more sand has escaped from the hourglass of life than there may be left. The realization comes to bear that there have been more suns and moons already experienced than are left on the horizon to witness.

Rather than accepting this with sadness an enlightened heart can welcome this as a time of awakening of the spirit within. It is a time of understanding that comes only from life’s experience. Now is the time to realize that life must be lived fully ~ without compromise. The awakened soul holds steadfast in the vision of the life that was anticipated so many years ago; and still believes this image is within the world of possibility.

The life force within compels each of us to honour our truth and be our own person regardless of circumstances or the opinions of others. I urge you to be true to your spirit, and honour your higher self and the mission for which you came to Earth to fulfill.

“My greatest wealth is the deep stillness in which I strive and grow
 and win what the world cannot take from me with fire or sword”.

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Your Beliefs Affect Your Self Esteem

Could your self-esteem use a boost? Do you feel comfortable and confident sometimes and at other times become a ‘shrinking violet’?

I’ve been reading a wonderful book written in the 60’s that is the basis for much of what is being written today. If you have any self-esteem issues at all or if you just want to get more out  of life you owe it to yourself to read Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz.
Psycho-Cybernetics, A New Way to Get More Living Out of Life   Most of us have had experiences where we thought ‘less’ of ourselves and our own capabilities. These feelings may arise at school, at work, in a social situation or even at home. Perhaps someone says or does something that throws us ‘off balance’ or sends us ‘for a loop’ and this can make us doubt ourselves.

Often when we are thrown off balance by something it is triggered by old memories or old patterning that may have been learned from another. In other words even habits are not always your own-they may be modeled after a family member, a teacher, a friend, or even a co-worker. These habits or behaviours become habitual by repetition (i.e. smoking) and they ‘become’ yours. All habits, behaviours and emotions are housed within the deeper part of our mind-the subconscious.

The same is true of ‘beliefs’. What a person believes about themselves is essential to their level of self esteem. For example, if a child is repeatedly told a negative message such as, “you’ll never amount to anything” then the likelihood is, that they will struggle and perhaps never achieve their full potential as an adult. The reason for this is that the subconscious mind absorbs and retains everything. A negative comment such as this would remain deeply embedded in that part of the mind and even in adulthood that ‘belief’ or ‘old tape’ could still be playing, especially, when a person continues to believe what they were told as a child.

The good news is that these feelings and the reactions caused by them can be changed or ‘reprogrammed’. By assisting a person with these issues and really getting them to look at the root cause, a coach can help get that client back on track. To assist even further, perhaps with more deeply rooted issues, and by utilizing positive suggestions and imagery a hypnotherapist assists clients in making lasting changes by getting in touch with their deeper mind. A deep, relaxing hypnotic rest is a very safe, pleasant and enjoyable process. Hypnosis is a natural state of mind and therefore, under the control of the client.

If you truly desire to make positive lifestyle changes give health coaching or hypnotism a try. For further information visit  To book your complimentary 30 minute phone session, call 705-526-3492.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Something to Think About!

I call this photo 'Tenacity'.  It was taken in 2001 during a 500 mile kayak trip with my husband, Chris. We travelled from the French River (near North Bay, On.) to Pukaskwa National Park on the north shore of Lake Superior.  The challenges we had changed our lives (which were in jeopardy on more than one occasion) during our 63 day trip.

To me, this tiny piece of life growing between rock symbolized courage, strength and endurance. No doubt, these qualities were already a part of me but had never been allowed (or required) to fully develop. I discovered, in very short order, how much tenacity I really have and I know it literally, saved our lives. 

After a day of three very close encounters with a large black bear, we endured eight hours in our kayaks shrouded in darkness, with a cold wind and 6 foot waves surrounding us.  We had to yell to make each other hear and use pocket flashlights every few minutes to show that we remained upright.

After nearly crashing into a rock face in the rough water, we finally summoned the last our strength and made a rough landing on the beach before dawn.  Only upon climbing out of boats did we realize that Chris had severe hypothermia and was in a very dire way. Despite exhaustion, my adrenalin immediately went into overdrive as I was now the only chance we had for survival. 

There was no way to get a fire going because of days of rain, so the best I could do was get him dry and covered with extra clothes, both sleeping bags and a solar blanket.  As he shivered uncontrollably and his eyes rolled up I thought my efforts had been in vain.  All I could do then was ask Great Spirit to protect us.

As I patrolled the beach praying that our black friend would not return for breakfast, I laid out long lengths of yellow rope to form an SOS, having no idea if anyone would see it in time.  Thankfully, as daybreak came Chris' condition slowly improved and we began to assess our limited options.  I was on the verge of collapse from the stresses and exhaustion of the past 36 hours and Chris urged me to lie down.  Almost as soon as I drifted off, he woke me and said he saw a boat.  After frantically waving our arms to get their attention, two park wardens arrived on shore in a Zodiac with a chopper landing a few minutes later.  After many hugs and tears of joy, it was with awe and humble gratitude that we were air lifted to safety on the morning of September 11th, 2001. 

I'm sure at one time or another; you've all had experiences that have shaken your confidence and belief in yourself. But it is in those times of the greatest difficulties, and the biggest obstacles that we have the highest opportunity for growth and self-improvement. Since the life changing incidents of our adventure, I've come to believe that those qualities are necessary for a life lived 'on purpose'.

So I'd like to leave you with something to think about. I hope these words by Brian Tracy may resonate with you, "develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation".

Tap into your own hidden resources and utilize the force within you to magnify your innate talents and express your excellence!

"Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal.
 My strength lies solely in my tenacity." ~ Louis Pasteur

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Personal Commitment

In this world of instant gratification, high speed technology and a 'quick fix' mentality it seems that many people have abdicated responsibility for taking care of themselves. This is evidenced by the growing obesity rate, the rise in substance abuse and even the number of stress related dis-eases that take their toll every year. These may include high blood pressure, heart disease/attacks, diabetes and lung disease from smoking.

In my practice I've worked with many people, whose first words are, "I'm here, fix me"! My response is always the same, "I don't have a magic wand and I can't make you do anything that you don't want to do". As a counselor and coach, I guide people to venture into their own inner awareness, to touch the 'wise one' deep inside (the subconscious mind) and offer suggestions that can help them implement change. The rest is up to the client. There must be a personal commitment to do the work necessary to achieve their goals. People need to have a true desire for evolution and growth in their lives.

Many people know something is wrong or lacking in their lives but they are so out of touch with their higher self, the issue(s) cannot even be verbalized. They may say, "I just can't put my finger on it", or a phrase similar. They may be quite clear about what they don't want but in many cases have no real idea about what they do want, and it is this dilemma that leads to confusion and inaction. Even when they believe they are clear and say they are coming for weight management or smoking cessation it is often something much deeper that emerges once the 'inner' work begins.

Unfortunately, many people fear delving to deeply and don't really want to change. This can show up as a myriad of excuses and self-sabotage. Sometimes old clichés surface (which are usually a product of much earlier conditioning) i.e. "better the devil you know, than the devil you don't". Change is frightening to many, because people are creatures of habit and prefer what is familiar, even when it is counter-productive to what they 'say' is wanted. For example, a person weighing 250 pounds may 'say' "I want to get down to 175" and then proceed to 'do' everything to sabotage getting those results. They may continue to overeat at mealtime, sit in front of the TV or computer snacking all day or just never get around to exercising.

The reason(s) for the disruption between intention and reality are usually deeply rooted in the subconscious mind and that is where they need to be addressed to produce lasting change. It's the conscious mind that 'says' what is wanted or desired, but it's the subconscious where habits, behaviours and emotions are housed and therefore, where any blockages need to be cleared. Until both parts of the mind are on the same page, any changes that are accomplished are generally short term (this may sound familiar if you've ever made a New Year's resolution).

"It takes a big person to accept full responsibility for
 their own happiness. It takes an even bigger person to accept
 full responsibility for their own unhappiness".

Quote from Mike Dooley - Founder of
 ~ a great inspirational website ~

Quick Tip of the Day

Anytime that you feel stress is taking control think of the word Release.

Make a conscious effort to let go of any thought that doesn't serve your best and highest good. Release it, keeping the following in mind.

R - release
E - energy
L - love

E - enthusiastically
A - and
S - serve
E - everyone

P.S. Remember to take long deep relaxing breaths
 to release tensionand restore tranquility to your mind.

Only Believe,

Personal Empowerment Exercise

Begin with two sheets of paper.

At the top of one write the word Weaknesses, at the top of the other write the word Strengths.
• First, write down everything that you consider to be a weakness within yourself

• Study this list and be honest with yourself

• Are you being too critical?

• Is there someone else's voice or beliefs behind these words or statements?

Repeat these steps with the sheet marked strengths. Again be honest and don't be afraid to blow your own horn.

When you have completed and reviewed each list share them with a trusted friend, or a loved one. You may be very surprised at the difference between what you perceive and what others believe.

Monday, February 15, 2010

A couple of days ago I watched The Secret again (I've lost track of how many times).  Each and every time there is more to learn and integrate. 

Although Mike Dooley of - Notes from the Universe was not featured as much as often as some others, I believe his work is well worth re-visiting.  Since The Secret, he's been busy with many new projects.  For a look at one of his most recent works click on the banner below and open your mind to Infinite Possibilities.

infinite possibilities, mike dooley

Follow Your Dreams ~ For They Hold Endless Possibilities

Friday, February 12, 2010

A Positive Spin

There is a proliferation of books written about the prophecies of 2012.  Some of these have positive connotations but many more are of doom, gloom and Armagedon.  Like all things in life no one really knows for sure because we can only experience the present moment. 

My preference however, has always been to look at the half full glass rather than the half empty one, so for this reason it is my belief that we are entering a marvelous new era.  I'd like to share with you a video I watched just a little while ago that puts the same positive spin on the new few years.  Take four minutes out of your busy day to watch: 2010 and Beyond.  I hope you will be inspired by its message. Thanks to one of my friends from Twitter for sharing it earlier - @tonpascal.

If you're interested in more information on this subject I would like to recommend a fascinating DVD by Ian Xel Lungold:
Welcome To the Evolution, Solving the Mayan Calendar Mystery - Ian Xel Lungold, LIVE, 2 DVD Set    Have a joyous weekend,

Monday, February 8, 2010

Key to Self-Improvement

I believe that one of the keys to self-improvement is reading the words of wisdom written by those who have traversed this journey before us.

One of the many authors I have been reading recently is Og Mandino (1923-1996) whose nineteen books, have sold over fifty million copies and have been translated into over twenty-five different languages. No other author that I have read has been so articulate in getting his message of hope across utilizing a combination of his own life’s wisdom with true to life characters (usually modeled in part from his own history).

His books show us the many sides of humanity and the turmoil that ‘we’ create for ourselves. In an excerpt from The Greatest Miracle in the World (written in 1975), Mr. Mandino affirms the dilemma that much of humanity finds itself struggling with through the eloquent words of the books protagonist, Simon Potter. He says, “You see, Mister Og, most of us build prisons for ourselves and after we occupy them for a period of time we become accustomed to their walls and accept the false premise that we are incarcerated for life. As soon as that belief takes hold of us we abandon hope of ever giving our dreams a chance to be fulfilled. We become puppets and begin to suffer living deaths. It may be praiseworthy and noble to sacrifice your life to a cause or a business or the happiness of others, but if you are miserable and unfulfilled in that lifestyle, and know it, then to remain in it is a hypocrisy, a lie, and a rejection of the faith placed in you by your creator”.

Here are my questions to you based on Simon’s words.

Are you living in a self made prison?

Have you created a life for yourself, of which, you believe the circumstances cannot be changed?

Do you feel that you are sacrificing the life of your dreams for the sake of another’s wishes for you?

Have you become like the puppet whose strings are manipulated at the discretion of someone else?

I hope that you were able to (truthfully) answer no to these questions, but if you were not please understand and recognize that there is always another way and that you have the freedom to choose again. Never allow another to hold you back from the life you were meant to live. Never allow your own doubts or fears to hold you back or to keep you small. Norman Vincent Peale said, “Hold an image of the life you want, and that image will become fact”.

You are special, you are unique in all the world as Simon goes on to say later in the book; “never, in all the seventy billion humans who have walked this planet since the beginning of time, will there be another such as you…you are the rarest thing in the world. You are the greatest miracle in the world”.

We as humans are graced with the freedom of choice and it is within the power of each of us to live life on our own terms. Never abandon your dreams. Celebrate life, celebrate you!

Other Books written by Mandino

The Greatest Salesman in the World
U.S.A. in a Nutshell
The Greatest Secret In The World
The Gift Of Acabar (with Buddy Kaye)
The Choice
The Christ Commission
Mission: Success!
The God Memorandum
The Greatest Salesman In The World Part II: The End Of The Story
The Ten Ancient Scrolls For Success: From The Greatest Salesman In The World
He Is Tough
University of Success (Compilation from other works)
A Better Way To Live
The Return Of The Ragpicker
The Twelfth Angel
Spellbinder's Gift
The Greatest Mystery In The World
Secrets For Success And Happiness
The Greatest Success In The World

Monday, February 1, 2010

Getting Started

“2010 is MY year! This year I break free! This year I break through! This year I break out!”
Ray Davis - Founder of The Affirmation Spot

Are you ready to make a change in your life? Is this your year to break free?

. Are you ready to elevate your overall health and well-being to a new level?
· Are you looking for a natural way to relieve stress?
· Are you tired of feeling ‘stuck’ and feel life is passing you by?
· Would you like help achieving your goals?
· Could your confidence and self esteem use a boost?
· Do you want to live the life of your dreams and be the best you can be?

If you answered yes to any of these questions you’re in the right place.
If you're ready to clear the decks and reach out for help then wonderful things are bound to happen.

For any relationship to blossom there must be a good 'fit' comprised of mutual trust and understanding. For a successful coaching relationship it’s important that we function as a team just as the rain and sunshine that helped this beautiful flower to grow. For many people the relationship built with their coach is a life-long relationship, therefore, it is essential that we are compatible in our values and on life.

During an initial 30-45 minute phone call we will chat about your needs and primary area of focus. (Call to be at a pre-arranged time). I will demonstrate for you a sample of coaching techniques and processes as well as discuss the various levels available within the Personal Empowerment Program (PEP) series.

We will explore the time you have available to dedicate to making lasting changes and together decide on the best course of action for you. I will address all questions prior to any financial commitment being made. At such time, we will set up a schedule and start the wheels in motion so that you can begin to ‘live by design’ rather than by default.

My greatest desire is that each and every client succeeds in creating a lifelong transformation. I cannot do the ‘work’ for you but I will guide you and cheer you on, along every step of the journey. Like all things in life ‘you get out what you put in’.

“If one advances confidently in the direction of their dreams, and endeavors to live the life which they have imagined, they will meet with a success unexpected in common hours”.
Henry David Thoreau

Friday, January 29, 2010

You Can Do It!

Here's a few thought provoking questions for you to help you expand your awareness of how you live your life.

  • Are you living your life by default or are you living by design ~ defining yourself to the world?
  • Do you do what you want to do or what someone else says you 'should' do?
  • Do you give up when you're just about to succeed?
  • Are you living to your full potential?

If you're not happy with your answers it may be time for a change.

There's never been a better opportunity in the history of mankind to expand your horizons through a multitude of resources including books, CD's and workshops. If you're ready to Follow Your Dreams and open your awareness to endless possibilities the "I Can Do It" event might be a great place to start.

Hay House, Inc.

I just wanted to share this great news with everyone. The "I Can Do It" event is coming to Toronto in May. I've personally enjoyed this wonderful event on
two occasions and I'd like to recommend it to anyone who is interested in expanding their consciousness. These events offer many wonderful speakers, displays and opportunities for self growth.
Register early for additional savings.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

As I mentioned yesterday I'm always finding new educational websites geared to self-improvement and sometimes these have extra special appeal. Today, I'd like to share with you a link to a video put together by a very talented and beautiful lady that I was fortunate to meet through Twitter. Although, she lives on the other side of the world we have made a connection that knows no boundaries of time and space. All of the words and pictures are her own. Take a few minutes and allow Chanty's inspirational messages to flow into your life:

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I'm always interested in finding new ways to share information with my audience and that is part of the reason I created this blog.
As I follow my own path of evolution I am keenly aware of the many wonderful resources available to us through the power of the internet. Every week I find websites that I believe enhance people's search for growth and self improvement. I'd like to share these regularly and perhaps expose you to new avenues that you may not find on your own.
Some of these I will post direct links to such as the one at the top right of this page - Self Made Easy. I believe their offerings are educational and therefore worth sharing.
The other site I would like to mention today is one that I regularly submit articles to and I find a vast wealth of information there through sharing with others. You can find it at:
I leave you for now with a quote by Albert Schweitzer:
"I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know; the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve".


Life is an Odyssey and as we pass through its ups and downs we grow and evolve. Individuals change at varying rates with specific times in their lives representing peaks, plateaus and valleys. A major paradigm shift seems to occur for most in the fourth decade of their life ~ the proverbial midlife crisis. Things that once seemed cloudy become vividly clear. We are no longer satisfied with just existing to fulfill the needs and whims of others, we instead want to truly live our lives - the way we see fit ~ FOR US! As we finally realize that our time on Earth is finite we should only be concerned with making it all count.

This is also a time to discover one’s voice - the true inner voice (our innate) that guides us rather than just the voice everyone is accustomed to hearing. We may grow weary of putting ourselves second, third, or further down the line of importance. We selfishly (a conditioned belief) try to assume the number one position in our lives even though it is usually foreign to our conditioning.

Now is ‘our’ time the newly discovered spirit cries to the one who is finally ready to listen. Let us fly together like an eagle with heart and body united, the connection to our soul is reestablished as our wings spread wide and we are free to soar.

An Extraordinary Human Experience

· Love - unconditional love of all earth’s inhabitants

· Compassion - to help in any way possible to alleviate another’s
discomfort or suffering

· Truthfulness - walk your talk

· Acceptance - of others opinions, values

· Service - to improve the lives of humanity

· Humility - leave ego at the door

· Purpose - to find, to know, your purpose and fulfill it

· Gratitude - to be thankful everyday for all you have

· Balance - between home/family, work and play

· Integrity - standing firm in your own values and principles

· Joy - of living this human experience

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Do You Want Lasting Change?

· Are the choices you’re making achieving the desired results?
· Do you feel that you are in a rut or that life is passing you by?
· Are you living life on your own terms?

If you don’t like your answer to any of these questions – read on.

Change cannot be lasting if it is only addressed with the conscious mind. Behaviours and habits are ingrained in the subconscious mind. For example, if someone suffers from low self esteem the condition must be dealt with where habits and behaviours reside. To change your life you have to change your mind – your way of thinking on both levels. Most importantly, you have to want to change. The decision must be yours and not that of some other well meaning family member or friend.

The way you think has been for the most part, determined by others through modeling and learned behaviour. Children learn from parental examples and often recreate their parent’s habits unknowingly. They sometimes model themselves after other significant people in their lives, teachers, grandparents, caregivers are primary examples.

To be able to change you must identify why you do what you do. It’s also helpful to clarify and understand your motivation and discovering who you are doing it for. Below are some ideas on getting started.

List the things you want to change. For example this can be about behaviours, habits, situations or just about anything that comes to mind that is within the realm of physical possibility. As Eckhart Tolle says in one of his lectures “I cannot be a heavy weight boxer no matter how hard I try”. (His physique would not be appropriate for this goal).

Set goals and a concrete schedule to achieve them. The best laid plans for achieving goals mean nothing without a reasonable timeline. It is beneficial to set short term and long term goals. If you wish to lose 50 pounds set a goal for 1 month, 3 months and 6 to 8 months. Breaking down a task into smaller steps makes it more believable (to the mind) and therefore, achievable.

Work with a professional to help facilitate the changes desired. It’s always easier when you have the support of someone who believes in you.

"Whatever you ardently desire, vividly imagine, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon must inevitably come to pass." Unknown

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Observations from aloft

When I wrote this post yesterday I was flying home from Florida and observing how tiny and insignificant everything looks from 20,000 feet. The patchwork of fields, roads and subdivisions are all dwarfed to a miniscule scale. Waterways twisting and turning appear like blue serpents as they meander toward their destination, and even large lakes appear no bigger than swimming pools. The mountain tops of Tennessee and Kentucky covered with snow give the impression of giant mounds of mashed potatoes.

I wonder how many villages, towns and cities we pass over and how many millions of busy lives are engrossed in their normal daily routines below. From up here, trials and tribulations, worries and daily concerns seem trivial and even surreal. I also contemplate why it’s so much easier to put things in perspective when seen from this vantage point.

More importantly from this lofty observation deck I realize how truly amazing our beautiful Earth is. Her peaks and valleys, lakes and rivers, clouds and sun are all so majestic. How honored a species we humans are, to be able to see all of Earth’s magnificence from this God’s eye view. And it is from here and from my heart that I urge each person reading this to take time every single day to be grateful for the wonder of being alive. Below are some tips to get you started.

3 Simple Tips for Enjoying Life More

Spend time in nature every day. Even five or ten minutes outside can soothe your nerves and put any problems of the day into perspective. You may want to play a little game to enhance your enjoyment of the simple pleasures in life. Choose a colour – green for example. Look around and identify all things green. Really focus and allow your eyes to see the beauty that surrounds you.

Pretend you’re a child again (who cares what others think). Look up into the sky and find shapes in the clouds. There may be a flower, a bird or a butterfly, a clown or even a teddy bear. See how many different images you can spot. Or, imagine what the view is like for the birds flying high above you. Make it fun!

If there is water nearby, a lake, a river, an ocean (even a little fountain will do) listen to the relaxing sound of the water as if it were music to serenade you.

The joyous bounties of life are everywhere, you need only allow yourself to see, hear, and enjoy them.
Only Believe,

Monday, January 4, 2010

One More Day

One more day in paradise and then its back to the snowy cold of Ontario. Even when its cold (relatively speaking) here in Panama City Beach, Fl. I can still gaze out over the vastness of the beach and gulf; and enjoy the radiance of the sun on my face. The gentle sound of the waves in the background is so......relaxing. The rhythm of the water's ebb and flow lulls me into a meditative, drowsy state as I become more and more at ease.

My life and your life can always be this way - quiet, calm and at ease if we allow it to be. There's no reason to buy into the hustle and bustle that consumes our world. Everyone has the choice to be at peace within themselves, regardless of what goes on 'out there'. We all have the ability to choose serenity and peace of is indeed, natural.

I know that even after I return home to my regular routine that I can hold onto the peace that I have enjoyed while on vacation. I can hold onto the vision of the tranquil scene that I'm enjoying as I write this. I can visualize it anytime I choose and re-create it in my mind. But with or without a vacation or the memory of a scene like the one described; each of us can be at peace. What choice would you prefer - unease, tension, stress or peace and serenity?

Friday, January 1, 2010


It's New Year's Day ~ 2010. I'm sitting on a sunny balcony overlooking the Gulf of Mexico. The sound of the waves as they complete their journey to the shore is music to my ears.
I love watching the Pelicans and Seagulls soaring, swooping and diving. As I watch their aerial acrobatics I wonder what it would be like to fly free as they do. The palm trees sway in the cool breeze and the sun dances on the water, shimmering like millions of tiny diamonds. This picturesque scene reminds me of the countless days in my youth when I would walk the beach for hours, so at home in the sun, the surf and the sand.

I guess I never realized how much I missed these elements, the sights and sounds until I was able to experience it once again here today. The vast expanse of the water and sky before me serve as a reminder of how incredibly beautiful our planet is, how wonderful life is, and how much there is to be grateful for.

It's so easy here to forget about daily worries, perceived problems and about all the chaos and violence that brings shadows of darkness to our world. It's so easy here to be lulled into a state of peace and serenity. As I write and take this time to reflect, I wish peace, health, joy and prosperity to all who may read this entry.

Please remember that peace and serenity is available to everyone, even without the beach and the water. It is within each and every one of us and all we need do to enjoy it is connect within, to our own heart center.
Only Believe,