Could your self-esteem use a boost? Do you feel comfortable and confident sometimes and at other times become a ‘shrinking violet’?
I’ve been reading a wonderful book written in the 60’s that is the basis for much of what is being written today. If you have any self-esteem issues at all or if you just want to get more out of life you owe it to yourself to read Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz.
Often when we are thrown off balance by something it is triggered by old memories or old patterning that may have been learned from another. In other words even habits are not always your own-they may be modeled after a family member, a teacher, a friend, or even a co-worker. These habits or behaviours become habitual by repetition (i.e. smoking) and they ‘become’ yours. All habits, behaviours and emotions are housed within the deeper part of our mind-the subconscious.
The same is true of ‘beliefs’. What a person believes about themselves is essential to their level of self esteem. For example, if a child is repeatedly told a negative message such as, “you’ll never amount to anything” then the likelihood is, that they will struggle and perhaps never achieve their full potential as an adult. The reason for this is that the subconscious mind absorbs and retains everything. A negative comment such as this would remain deeply embedded in that part of the mind and even in adulthood that ‘belief’ or ‘old tape’ could still be playing, especially, when a person continues to believe what they were told as a child.
The good news is that these feelings and the reactions caused by them can be changed or ‘reprogrammed’. By assisting a person with these issues and really getting them to look at the root cause, a coach can help get that client back on track. To assist even further, perhaps with more deeply rooted issues, and by utilizing positive suggestions and imagery a hypnotherapist assists clients in making lasting changes by getting in touch with their deeper mind. A deep, relaxing hypnotic rest is a very safe, pleasant and enjoyable process. Hypnosis is a natural state of mind and therefore, under the control of the client.
If you truly desire to make positive lifestyle changes give health coaching or hypnotism a try. For further information visit To book your complimentary 30 minute phone session, call 705-526-3492.
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