I'm sure at one time or another; you've all had experiences that have shaken your confidence and belief in yourself. But it is in those times of the greatest difficulties, and the biggest obstacles that we have the highest opportunity for growth and self-improvement. Since the life changing incidents of our adventure, I've come to believe that those qualities are necessary for a life lived 'on purpose'.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Something to Think About!
I'm sure at one time or another; you've all had experiences that have shaken your confidence and belief in yourself. But it is in those times of the greatest difficulties, and the biggest obstacles that we have the highest opportunity for growth and self-improvement. Since the life changing incidents of our adventure, I've come to believe that those qualities are necessary for a life lived 'on purpose'.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Personal Commitment
their own happiness. It takes an even bigger person to accept
full responsibility for their own unhappiness".
Quick Tip of the Day
Make a conscious effort to let go of any thought that doesn't serve your best and highest good. Release it, keeping the following in mind.
R - release
E - energy
L - love
E - enthusiastically
A - and
S - serve
E - everyone
to release tensionand restore tranquility to your mind.
Personal Empowerment Exercise
At the top of one write the word Weaknesses, at the top of the other write the word Strengths.
• First, write down everything that you consider to be a weakness within yourself
• Study this list and be honest with yourself
• Are you being too critical?
• Is there someone else's voice or beliefs behind these words or statements?
Repeat these steps with the sheet marked strengths. Again be honest and don't be afraid to blow your own horn.
When you have completed and reviewed each list share them with a trusted friend, or a loved one. You may be very surprised at the difference between what you perceive and what others believe.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
A Positive Spin
Monday, February 8, 2010
Key to Self-Improvement
I believe that one of the keys to self-improvement is reading the words of wisdom written by those who have traversed this journey before us.
One of the many authors I have been reading recently is Og Mandino (1923-1996) whose nineteen books, have sold over fifty million copies and have been translated into over twenty-five different languages. No other author that I have read has been so articulate in getting his message of hope across utilizing a combination of his own life’s wisdom with true to life characters (usually modeled in part from his own history).
His books show us the many sides of humanity and the turmoil that ‘we’ create for ourselves. In an excerpt from The Greatest Miracle in the World (written in 1975), Mr. Mandino affirms the dilemma that much of humanity finds itself struggling with through the eloquent words of the books protagonist, Simon Potter. He says, “You see, Mister Og, most of us build prisons for ourselves and after we occupy them for a period of time we become accustomed to their walls and accept the false premise that we are incarcerated for life. As soon as that belief takes hold of us we abandon hope of ever giving our dreams a chance to be fulfilled. We become puppets and begin to suffer living deaths. It may be praiseworthy and noble to sacrifice your life to a cause or a business or the happiness of others, but if you are miserable and unfulfilled in that lifestyle, and know it, then to remain in it is a hypocrisy, a lie, and a rejection of the faith placed in you by your creator”.
Here are my questions to you based on Simon’s words.
Are you living in a self made prison?
Have you created a life for yourself, of which, you believe the circumstances cannot be changed?
Do you feel that you are sacrificing the life of your dreams for the sake of another’s wishes for you?
Have you become like the puppet whose strings are manipulated at the discretion of someone else?
I hope that you were able to (truthfully) answer no to these questions, but if you were not please understand and recognize that there is always another way and that you have the freedom to choose again. Never allow another to hold you back from the life you were meant to live. Never allow your own doubts or fears to hold you back or to keep you small. Norman Vincent Peale said, “Hold an image of the life you want, and that image will become fact”.
You are special, you are unique in all the world as Simon goes on to say later in the book; “never, in all the seventy billion humans who have walked this planet since the beginning of time, will there be another such as you…you are the rarest thing in the world. You are the greatest miracle in the world”.
We as humans are graced with the freedom of choice and it is within the power of each of us to live life on our own terms. Never abandon your dreams. Celebrate life, celebrate you!
Other Books written by Mandino
The Greatest Salesman in the World
U.S.A. in a Nutshell
The Greatest Secret In The World
The Gift Of Acabar (with Buddy Kaye)
The Choice
The Christ Commission
Mission: Success!
The God Memorandum
The Greatest Salesman In The World Part II: The End Of The Story
The Ten Ancient Scrolls For Success: From The Greatest Salesman In The World
He Is Tough
University of Success (Compilation from other works)
A Better Way To Live
The Return Of The Ragpicker
The Twelfth Angel
Spellbinder's Gift
The Greatest Mystery In The World
Secrets For Success And Happiness
The Greatest Success In The World
Monday, February 1, 2010
Getting Started
Ray Davis - Founder of The Affirmation Spot
. Are you ready to elevate your overall health and well-being to a new level?
· Are you looking for a natural way to relieve stress?
· Are you tired of feeling ‘stuck’ and feel life is passing you by?
· Would you like help achieving your goals?
· Could your confidence and self esteem use a boost?
· Do you want to live the life of your dreams and be the best you can be?
If you answered yes to any of these questions you’re in the right place. If you're ready to clear the decks and reach out for help then wonderful things are bound to happen.
For any relationship to blossom there must be a good 'fit' comprised of mutual trust and understanding. For a successful coaching relationship it’s important that we function as a team just as the rain and sunshine that helped this beautiful flower to grow. For many people the relationship built with their coach is a life-long relationship, therefore, it is essential that we are compatible in our values and on life.
During an initial 30-45 minute phone call we will chat about your needs and primary area of focus. (Call to be at a pre-arranged time). I will demonstrate for you a sample of coaching techniques and processes as well as discuss the various levels available within the Personal Empowerment Program (PEP) series.
We will explore the time you have available to dedicate to making lasting changes and together decide on the best course of action for you. I will address all questions prior to any financial commitment being made. At such time, we will set up a schedule and start the wheels in motion so that you can begin to ‘live by design’ rather than by default.
My greatest desire is that each and every client succeeds in creating a lifelong transformation. I cannot do the ‘work’ for you but I will guide you and cheer you on, along every step of the journey. Like all things in life ‘you get out what you put in’.
“If one advances confidently in the direction of their dreams, and endeavors to live the life which they have imagined, they will meet with a success unexpected in common hours”. Henry David Thoreau