
Saturday, February 28, 2009


Today I crossed a new threshold. Today my spirit has begun to soar with the eagles, for now I know I am on the right path.

My purpose and destiny lie before me. I am now willing to let the Universe unfold its magical ways and be guided by my own inner light.

I am a healer, not only of myself, but of other souls that my spirit touches on this Earth walk.

I am an advisor, that I may guide others seeking their path. I am a writer of words and ideals that will help heal the planet and the people.

I am a teacher so that others may learn of my experiences.

Thank you Great Spirit for guiding me on my quest.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Control your Reactions to Stress

Our world is changing with ever increasing speed and many people are finding it difficult to keep pace and cope on a daily basis. Although no one can control the world at large, individuals do have the power to be in charge of their personal world by controlling stress and their responses to it. The results of stress or the way it manifests in a person’s life is, in part, their reaction to the situation. The good news is that these reactions can be changed or ‘reprogrammed’ by utilizing positive suggestions, affirmations, imagery and guided meditation. If you truly desire to make positive lifestyle changes visit my website at and then let's chat.